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Some memories tied to April 19 too strong to ever fade away


I left early that Easter morning. I had a two-day drive ahead of me.

The wife at the time and our two children, Aliki and Jack, were already in London, Ontario. We were scheduled to baptize 5-month-old Jack the following Sunday at Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church.

I pulled out of El Reno about 5 a.m. I had made the drive to London several times before.

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Career of beloved teacher ends before kites can fly


Today a man making a delivery to Riverside School said, “I bet your teachers are happy about having a longer summer break.” My immediate response was no. Then I recommended that he not ask teachers that question.

Some people just don’t get teachers. Teachers are not jumping for joy about an extended summer break. In fact, most teachers use normal summer breaks to plan, attend education conferences and spend their own money to purchase classroom supplies.

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Surprise: New York City, Boise City, are very different


New York City and Boise City, Okla., are very different places.

That’s not a news flash to most, but it is to some who want COVID-19 responses implemented nationwide as though there’s no difference between one state and the next.

An important debate is under way about our nation’s federalist system, which gives states great latitude to adopt different policy approaches based on differing local conditions — including how states work to reduce the spread of COVID-19.