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A Wonderful Life: Visiting Jimmy Stewart’s life, museum


Once again this Christmas season, countless Americans sat down to watch Frank Capra’s Christmas classic, It’s a Wonderful Life, starring the great Jimmy Stewart. I’ve seen the movie plenty of times. So why did it leave me crying again this year?

Yet it did, from the moment a desperate George Bailey cried out to his shop-worn guardian angel that he wanted to live again, all the way through “Auld Lang Syne.”

Stirred by that experience and curious as to what prompted it, I decided to do something I had wanted to do for years.

Letter to the Editor: Appreciation for coverage


To the Editor:

I just wanted to let you know that I appreciate your coverage on Blessing Baskets.

For several years I helped my grandma help this organization prepare food boxes for those in need in our community.

It feels great helping others in need and our family has received food throughout the years.

Again, thank you for always sharing with us all that Blessing Baskets does to help our community.


James Elliott
Boy Scout Troop 381

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As other states cut taxes, it’s time for Oklahoma to act


The Tax Foundation recently released its 2023 State Business Tax Climate Index, a popular diagnostic tool which “enables business leaders, government policymakers and taxpayers to gauge how their states’ tax systems compare.” (OCPA research fellows Scott Moody and Wendy Warcholik, formerly of the Tax Foundation, were the co-creators of this index.)

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This holiday, stop having it your way and trust in God


Someone asked the question: “Where do you find Jesus?” and several answers were given. All answers are right, but the best one is ― you find Jesus when you come to the end of yourself. When you stop trying to get your life under control and realize that it was the Lord who made you and he had a plan for your life from the day you were born.

The longer you try to do things like “Burger King,” have it your way, the longer it will take you to get in line with God’s design.

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The Yemen yes-men ride again on the hill


U.S. Sen. Bernie Sanders (D-Masquerading-as-I -- VT) said in a Dec. 13 statement, “I withdrew from consideration by the U.S. Senate my War Powers Resolution after the Biden administration agreed to continue working with my office on ending the war in Yemen. Let me be clear. If we do not reach agreement, I will, along with my colleagues, bring this resolution back for a vote in the near future and do everything possible to end this horrific conflict.”

Promises, promises.

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Oklahoma’s licensure boards important yet flawed


State licensure boards are an important, although often overlooked, component of job opportunity and economic growth.

The boards control access to professions. If operated appropriately, they provide consumer protection while allowing the most qualified people possible to enter a profession, which increases competition and keeps prices down for consumers.

But there’s reason to worry. Oklahoma’s licensure boards have inherent flaws that not only stymie healthy industry competition, but also could be found illegal.

Letter to the Editor: El Reno should be proud in honoring veterans


To the Editor:

What a great week we had in El Reno acknowledging our national and local veterans. We started with a great Canadian County Veterans Day Parade downtown sponsored by our local Chamber of Commerce, with a packed house program in the Centre Theatre to follow. Veterans from across Canadian County were honored with a standing ovation.

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Thanksgiving: Have an attitude of gratitude


Thanksgiving is much more than a big meal with family and friends. It's a time to reflect on, and be thankful for, all of the good things you have.

It’s important to be grateful, not just on Thanksgiving, but each and every day. Rather than lamenting what you feel is lacking in your life, begin each new day by developing an attitude of gratitude.

Letter to the Editor: Headline questionable


To the Editor:

I would like to preface this with two things. One: My husband and I are both veterans, and two: I personally know and adore Ryan Sigler. That being said, the headline you posted about his story is in incredibly poor taste.

The movie Saving Private Ryan was about the struggles of war and D-day. To compare a local kid, however brave and fantastic, is tacky. Add to it the fact that his name would be Pvt. Sigler instead of Pvt. Ryan. It also does a disservice to Ryan to put that kind of pressure on him.

Letter to the Editor: Excellent article


To the Editor:

I want to thank the Tribune for featuring Pvt. Ryan Sigler so predominantly in the paper last week.

I have known Ryan since he was a youngster, and no one deserves kudos more than him.

He is an outstanding young man and will make a fine soldier.

The article was so well written, and I was thrilled to see so many photos of him.

Hats off to the Tribune and Glen Miller for writing the article. Keep up the great work.

Kristin Hincke